Frequently Asked Questions
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All our drivers are following government guidelines and hygiene rules. We carry hand sanitizer and all the drivers wear face mask.
How easy is to book taxi in Online?
Booking taxi online is very easy and efficient. Just complete the form on the ‘Get A Quote’ page above and we will contact you with fare details and complete the booking.
Can I book taxi in other ways?
You can also book your taxi by calling us on 01509329292.
How soon should I book my transfer?
Most of the time we can arrange transportation in ten minutes, however we highly recommend that you book at least two days prior to departure or when you have your reservation of airline ticket, cruise etc. to ensure availability especially during busy periods.
How can I make the payment?
.You can pay Online using a link that we can send to you following confirmation of your booking. Or alternatively, cash payments can be made to the driver.
*Online with Credit/ Debit card or PayPal